Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation – Equipment for separate waste collection

17175-2025 - Competition

Bosnia and Herzegovina – Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation – Equipment for separate waste collection

OJ S 7/2025 10/01/2025

Contract or concession notice – standard regime


1. Buyer



Official name: City of Mostar

Email: mia.hojlas@mostar.ba

Legal type of the buyer: Local authority

Activity of the contracting authority: General public services

2. Procedure



Title: Equipment for separate waste collection

Description: Project "Toward 0 Waste CBC"- "To 0 Waste", contract number HRBAME00184 is co-financed by the European Union, in accordance with the rules of Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia–Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro. Several challenges have been recognised in City of Mosta regarding waste management, such as poor technical capacity od utility company (vehicles for collecting and transport of separated waste, equipment for sorting of waste within households and institutions, etc.), low level of separation waste collection and recycling, illegal landfills… Those problems will be tackled with this contract. Specific objective of this contract is creation of an improved waste management system in order to reduce the amount of waste deposited to illegal landfills and increase waste separation on territory of City of Mostar. It will be achieved through purchase of necessary equipment for sorting, collecting, and transport for utilities companies: mobile recycling yard, sets of containers for separation of waste (plastic, metal and paper/cardboard), specialized vehicles for collecting of separated waste, automatic disposal of plastic packaging and cans, containers for construction and bulky waste.

Procedure identifier: 7ba55dd4-eb7d-4cc9-a78a-2e9deef1388c

Previous notice: 790784-2024

Internal identifier: To0Waste/supply/03;

Type of procedure: Open

The procedure is accelerated: no



Main nature of the contract: Supplies

Main classification (cpv): 34000000 Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation


Place of performance

Town: Mostar

Postcode: 88000

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina


General information

Legal basis: 

Directive 2014/24/EU

Regulation (EU) 2021/1059 of the European Parlament and of the Council - Regulation on specific provisions for the European territorial cooperation goal (Interreg) supported by the ERDF and external financing instruments (Interreg regulation)

Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2024/2509 - Regulation on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union


Terms of procurement

Terms of submission: 

Maximum number of lots for which one tenderer can submit tenders: 6

Terms of contract: 

Maximum number of lots for which contracts can be awarded to one tenderer: 6


Grounds for exclusion

Sources of grounds for exclusion: Procurement document

5. Lot


Lot: LOT-0001

Title: Utility garbage vehicle

Description: Vehicle for the removal of sorted waste: 1 utility garbage vehicle

Internal identifier: To 0 Waste/supply/03 - lot 1



Main nature of the contract: Supplies

Main classification (cpv): 34144511 Refuse-collection vehicles


Place of performance

Town: Mostar

Postcode: 88000

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina


Estimated duration

Start date: 15/04/2025

Duration: 240 Days


General information

Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved.

Procurement Project fully or partially financed with EU Funds.

Information about European Union funds

EU funds programme: Instrument for Pre-accession assistance (IPA III) (2021/2027)

Identifier of EU funds: Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia–Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro HR-BA-ME00184

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no


Selection criteria

Sources of selection criteria: Procurement document


Award criteria


Type: Price

Description: The sole award criterion will be the price. The contract will be awarded to the lowest compliant tender.


Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: English, Croatian

Deadline for requesting additional information: 21/02/2025 16:00:00 (UTC+1)

Address of the procurement documents: https://www.mostar.ba/projekt-to-0-waste/


Terms of procurement

Terms of submission:

Electronic submission: Not allowed

Justification for why electronic submission is not possible: Inclusion of a physical model

Description: The Project partner must receive the tenders before the deadline specified in 10.3. of Instruction to tenderers. They must include all the documents specified in point 11 of these Instructions and be sent to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina If the tenders are hand delivered they should be delivered to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; working hours 08:30 – 14:00

Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian

Electronic catalogue: Not allowed

Description of the financial guarantee: Tenderers must provide a tender guarantee of EUR 3.000 for Lot 01 when submitting their tender. This guarantee will be released to unsuccessful tenderers once the tender procedure has been completed and to the successful tenderer[s] upon signature of the contract by all parties. This guarantee will be called upon if the tenderer does not fulfill all obligations stated in its tender.

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 14/03/2025 11:00:00 (UTC+1)

Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 90 Days

Information about public opening:

Opening date: 14/03/2025 12:00:00 (UTC+1)

Place: Bulevar narodne revolucije 11, 88000 Mostar

Terms of contract:

The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No

Electronic invoicing: Not allowed

Electronic ordering will be used: no

Electronic payment will be used: no

Information about review deadlines: See document Instruction to tenderers



Framework agreement: No framework agreement

Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system


Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation: City of Mostar

TED eSender: Publications Office of the European Union


Lot: LOT-0002

Title: Three-sided tipper

Description: Vehicle for the removal of sorted waste: 1 three-sided tipper

Internal identifier: To 0 Waste/supply/03 - lot 2



Main nature of the contract: Supplies

Main classification (cpv): 34144700 Utility vehicles


Place of performance

Town: Mostar

Postcode: 88000

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina


Estimated duration

Start date: 15/04/2025

Duration: 150 Days


General information

Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved.

Procurement Project fully or partially financed with EU Funds.

Information about European Union funds

EU funds programme: Instrument for Pre-accession assistance (IPA III) (2021/2027)

Identifier of EU funds: Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia–Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro HR-BA-ME00184

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no


Selection criteria

Sources of selection criteria: Procurement document


Award criteria


Type: Price

Description: The sole award criterion will be the price. The contract will be awarded to the lowest compliant tender.


Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: English, Croatian

Deadline for requesting additional information: 21/02/2025 16:00:00 (UTC+1)

Address of the procurement documents: https://www.mostar.ba/projekt-to-0-waste/


Terms of procurement

Terms of submission:

Electronic submission: Not allowed

Justification for why electronic submission is not possible: Inclusion of a physical model

Description: The Project partner must receive the tenders before the deadline specified in 10.3. of Instruction to tenderers. They must include all the documents specified in point 11 of these Instructions and be sent to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina If the tenders are hand delivered they should be delivered to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; working hours 8:30 – 14:00

Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian

Electronic catalogue: Not allowed

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 14/03/2025 11:00:00 (UTC+1)

Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 90 Days

Information about public opening:

Opening date: 14/03/2025 12:00:00 (UTC+1)

Place: Bulevar narodne revolucije 11, 88000 Mostar

Terms of contract:

The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No

Electronic invoicing: Not allowed

Electronic ordering will be used: no

Electronic payment will be used: no

Information about review deadlines: See document Instruction to tenderers



Framework agreement: No framework agreement

Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system


Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation: City of Mostar

TED eSender: Publications Office of the European Union


Lot: LOT-0003

Title: Plastic containers

Description: 1.800 set of 3 plastic containers

Internal identifier: To 0 Waste/supply/3 - lot 3



Main nature of the contract: Supplies

Main classification (cpv): 34928480 Waste and rubbish containers and bins


Place of performance

Town: Mostar

Postcode: 88000

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina


Estimated duration

Start date: 15/04/2025

Duration: 150 Days


General information

Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved.

Procurement Project fully or partially financed with EU Funds.

Information about European Union funds

EU funds programme: Instrument for Pre-accession assistance (IPA III) (2021/2027)

Identifier of EU funds: Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia–Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro HR-BA-ME00184

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no


Selection criteria

Sources of selection criteria: Procurement document


Award criteria


Type: Price

Description: The sole award criterion will be the price. The contract will be awarded to the lowest compliant tender.


Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: English, Croatian

Deadline for requesting additional information: 21/02/2025 16:00:00 (UTC+1)

Address of the procurement documents: https://www.mostar.ba/projekt-to-0-waste/


Terms of procurement

Terms of submission:

Electronic submission: Not allowed

Justification for why electronic submission is not possible: Inclusion of a physical model

Description: The Project partner must receive the tenders before the deadline specified in 10.3. of Instruction to tenderers. They must include all the documents specified in point 11 of these Instructions and be sent to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina If the tenders are hand delivered they should be delivered to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; working hours 08:30 – 14:00

Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian

Electronic catalogue: Not allowed

Description of the financial guarantee: Tenderers must provide a tender guarantee of EUR 1.800 for Lot 03 when submitting their tender. This guarantee will be released to unsuccessful tenderers once the tender procedure has been completed and to the successful tenderer[s] upon signature of the contract by all parties. This guarantee will be called upon if the tenderer does not fulfill all obligations stated in its tender.

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 14/03/2025 11:00:00 (UTC+1)

Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 90 Days

Information about public opening:

Opening date: 14/03/2025 12:00:00 (UTC+1)

Place: Bulevar narodne revolucije 11, 88000 Mostar

Terms of contract:

The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No

Electronic invoicing: Not allowed

Electronic ordering will be used: no

Electronic payment will be used: no

Information about review deadlines: See document Instruction to tenderers



Framework agreement: No framework agreement

Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system


Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation: City of Mostar

TED eSender: Publications Office of the European Union


Lot: LOT-0004

Title: Mobile recycling yard

Description: 1 mobile recycling yard equipped with 12 plastic containers of 120 l

Internal identifier: To 0 Waste/supply/03 - lot 4



Main nature of the contract: Supplies

Main classification (cpv): 34928480 Waste and rubbish containers and bins


Place of performance

Town: Mostar

Postcode: 88000

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina


Estimated duration

Start date: 15/04/2025

Duration: 120 Days


General information

Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved.

Procurement Project fully or partially financed with EU Funds.

Information about European Union funds

EU funds programme: Instrument for Pre-accession assistance (IPA III) (2021/2027)

Identifier of EU funds: Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia–Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro HR-BA-ME00184

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no


Selection criteria

Sources of selection criteria: Procurement document


Award criteria


Type: Price

Description: The sole award criterion will be the price. The contract will be awarded to the lowest compliant tender.


Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: English, Croatian

Deadline for requesting additional information: 21/02/2025 16:00:00 (UTC+1)

Address of the procurement documents: https://www.mostar.ba/projekt-to-0-waste/


Terms of procurement

Terms of submission:

Electronic submission: Not allowed

Justification for why electronic submission is not possible: Inclusion of a physical model

Description: The Project partner must receive the tenders before the deadline specified in 10.3. of Instruction to tenderers. They must include all the documents specified in point 11 of these Instructions and be sent to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina If the tenders are hand delivered they should be delivered to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; working hours 08:30 – 14:00

Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian

Electronic catalogue: Not allowed

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 14/03/2025 11:00:00 (UTC+1)

Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 90 Days

Information about public opening:

Opening date: 14/03/2025 12:00:00 (UTC+1)

Place: Bulevar narodne revolucije 11, 88000 Mostar

Terms of contract:

The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No

Electronic invoicing: Not allowed

Electronic ordering will be used: no

Electronic payment will be used: no

Information about review deadlines: See document Instruction to tenderers



Framework agreement: No framework agreement

Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system


Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation: City of Mostar

TED eSender: Publications Office of the European Union


Lot: LOT-0005

Title: Mobile reverse vending machines

Description: 2 mobile reverse vending machines for disposing of plastic bottles and cans

Internal identifier: To 0 Waste/supply/03 - lot 5



Main nature of the contract: Supplies

Main classification (cpv): 42914000 Recycling equipment


Place of performance

Town: Mostar

Postcode: 88000

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina


Estimated duration

Start date: 15/04/2025

Duration: 120 Days


General information

Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved.

Procurement Project fully or partially financed with EU Funds.

Information about European Union funds

EU funds programme: Instrument for Pre-accession assistance (IPA III) (2021/2027)

Identifier of EU funds: Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia–Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro HR-BA-ME00184

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no


Selection criteria

Sources of selection criteria: Procurement document


Award criteria


Type: Price

Description: The sole award criterion will be the price. The contract will be awarded to the lowest compliant tender.


Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: English, Croatian

Deadline for requesting additional information: 21/02/2025 16:00:00 (UTC+1)

Address of the procurement documents: https://www.mostar.ba/projekt-to-0-waste/


Terms of procurement

Terms of submission:

Electronic submission: Not allowed

Justification for why electronic submission is not possible: Inclusion of a physical model

Description: The Project partner must receive the tenders before the deadline specified in 10.3. of Instruction to tenderers. They must include all the documents specified in point 11 of these Instructions and be sent to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina If the tenders are hand delivered they should be delivered to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; working hours 08:30 – 14:00

Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian

Electronic catalogue: Not allowed

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 14/03/2025 11:00:00 (UTC+1)

Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 90 Days

Information about public opening:

Opening date: 14/03/2025 12:00:00 (UTC+1)

Place: Bulevar narodne revolucije 11, 88000 Mostar

Terms of contract:

The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No

Electronic invoicing: Not allowed

Electronic ordering will be used: no

Electronic payment will be used: no

Information about review deadlines: See document Instruction to tenderers



Framework agreement: No framework agreement

Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system


Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation: City of Mostar

TED eSender: Publications Office of the European Union


Lot: LOT-0006

Title: Containers

Description: 10 containers of 7 m3

Internal identifier: To 0 Waste/supply/03 - lot 6



Main nature of the contract: Supplies

Main classification (cpv): 34928480 Waste and rubbish containers and bins


Place of performance

Town: Mostar

Postcode: 88000

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina


Estimated duration

Start date: 15/04/2025

Duration: 120 Days


General information

Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved.

Procurement Project fully or partially financed with EU Funds.

Information about European Union funds

EU funds programme: Instrument for Pre-accession assistance (IPA III) (2021/2027)

Identifier of EU funds: Interreg VI-A IPA Programme Croatia–Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro HR-BA-ME00184

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no


Selection criteria

Sources of selection criteria: Procurement document


Award criteria


Type: Price

Description: The sole award criterion will be the price. The contract will be awarded to the lowest compliant tender.


Procurement documents

Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: English, Croatian

Deadline for requesting additional information: 21/02/2025 16:00:00 (UTC+1)

Address of the procurement documents: https://www.mostar.ba/projekt-to-0-waste/


Terms of procurement

Terms of submission:

Electronic submission: Not allowed

Justification for why electronic submission is not possible: Inclusion of a physical model

Description: The Project partner must receive the tenders before the deadline specified in 10.3. of Instruction to tenderers. They must include all the documents specified in point 11 of these Instructions and be sent to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina If the tenders are hand delivered they should be delivered to the following address: City of Mostar (BSC), Adema Buća 19, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; working hours 08:30 – 14:00

Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian

Electronic catalogue: Not allowed

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 14/03/2025 11:00:00 (UTC+1)

Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 90 Days

Information about public opening:

Opening date: 14/03/2025 12:00:00 (UTC+1)

Place: Bulevar narodne revolucije 11, 88000 Mostar

Terms of contract:

The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No

Electronic invoicing: Not allowed

Electronic ordering will be used: no

Electronic payment will be used: no



Framework agreement: No framework agreement

Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system


Further information, mediation and review

Review organisation: City of Mostar

Organisation providing more information on the review procedures: City of Mostar

TED eSender: Publications Office of the European Union

8. Organisations



Official name: City of Mostar

Registration number: 4227396110007

Postal address: Hrvatskih branitelja 2  

Town: Mostar

Postcode: 88000

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Contact point: City of Mostar- Business service center

Email: mia.hojlas@mostar.ba

Telephone: +38736281566

Fax: +38736447445

Internet address: https://www.mostar.ba/

Roles of this organisation: 


Review organisation

Organisation providing more information on the review procedures



Official name: Publications Office of the European Union

Registration number: PUBL

Town: Luxembourg

Postcode: 2417

Country subdivision (NUTS): Luxembourg (LU000)

Country: Luxembourg

Email: ted@publications.europa.eu

Telephone: +352 29291

Internet address: https://op.europa.eu

Roles of this organisation: 

TED eSender

11. Notice information


Notice information

Notice identifier/version: 163dbdc0-c639-4c54-9868-21bfdbf341b9 - 01

Form type: Competition

Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime

Notice subtype: 16

Notice dispatch date: 08/01/2025 14:25:49 (UTC)

Languages in which this notice is officially available: English, Croatian


Publication information

Notice publication number: 17175-2025

OJ S issue number: 7/2025

Publication date: 10/01/2025

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